The most breakthrough approaching patterns of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data has transformed businesses for good. Too many organizations are leveraging the opportunities of these kinds of new-gen technologies, and there are many high-ranking Artificial Intelligence influencers around to make us understand AI better. 

Everyone out there is asking – Who To Follow On Artificial Intelligence (ai influencers twitter) for learning and guidance on this particular subject. The ultimate merger of both technologies has made it simpler for organizations to offer optimized, efficient, and smooth services to its users.

The acceptance of these technologies has proposed a cultural change in the ways a business runs while influencing innovation at the same time.

The companies which realize the potential of these new-gen technologies at the right moment are more inclined to flourish positively in the most disruptive and fiercely competitive market.

There has been a forecast by IDC that till 2023 the total spending in AI will top around $98 billion, which is more than double when compared with the present scenario.

This projection has been made as there are massive investments poured by industries across different AI-powered projects to gain productivity.

And for big data, the revenue will be continuously maintained with a growth rate of (CAGR) 13.2% during 2018-2022. Also, the global expenditure of the technology will go up to $274.3 billion by 2022.

Learning AI and Big Data have become a necessity as it’s already a significant aspect of every other organization’s strategic plan as the effectiveness, gainfulness, adaptability, and better client experience dwells at the center of these concurrent innovation panels.

This innovative push to the overall workstation appealed to us to develop and categorize a list of Top AI and Big Data Influencers of the current time, clearing ways towards a superior future.

We have made an index of tech professionals influencing the front line of the progressive tech world with their insight and overall efficiency and creativity.

Here is a list of the Top AI and Machine learning Influencers impacting the historical trends of the tech-savvy world-

1. Alec Radford

Twitter – @alecrad

Alec is working on identifying, developing, and filtering images and text – ML tech moving it from research towards development for wider industry utilization. He is an Advisor for “Indico” – which was founded for the ultimate goal of promotion of machine learning techniques to SME’s and developers by making development and customization as simple, cost-effective, and universal as much as possible.

2. Andrew NG

Twitter – @andrewyng

Andrew Ng is the co-founder of Coursera, an online E-learning company. He is a computer scientist who also co-founded and led Google Brain and was the Chief Scientist at Baidu, developing the AI group into thousands of employees.

3. Alex Popescu

Twitter – @al3xandru

Alex is a senior product manager at Datastax. He has been maintaining the largest online publication for NoSQL databases and big data.

4. Antonio Grasso

Twitter – @antgrasso

Antonio is the Digital Transformation Advisor, Author, speaker, and also the founder / CEO of Italian startup business innovation. He has around 35 plus years of experience in handling IT services for both public and enterprise sectors.

5. Bernard Marr

Twitter – @bernardmarr

Barnard is a popular futurist, Internationally best-selling author; keynote speaker; advisor to governments and companies. He is rank as one of the top five business influencers by Linkedin. He is a contributor to World Economic Forum and writes regularly for Forbes.

6. Ben Lorica

Twitter – @bigdata

Ben is the Chief data scientist in O’Reilly Media. He has a background in investment management companies, Internet startups, and financial services.

7. Bill Schmarzo

Twitter – @schmarzo

Bill is a CTO of Hitachi Ventura where he guides the technology strategy for IoT and Analytics. He is an avid blogger and a speaker at analytics and big data business conferences.

8. Carla Gentry

Twitter – @data_nerd

Carla is a Data scientist and self-proclaimed Nerd. She curates Analytics – and social media channels. She has worked for a range of Fortune 500 companies like Kraft, J&J Hershey, Firestone Etc.

9. Chris Messina

Twitter – @chrismessina

Chris is a technologist and inventor of #Hashtag. He helped Mozilla Firefox gain its first 100 million downloads. He has spoken in various conferences and expos worldwide. He was also a Developer Advocate for Google.

10. Craig Brown

Twitter – @DrDataScientist

Craig is a Technopreneur and Tech Expert who is handling Tech and innovative projects for Fortune 1000 companies. He is Data Analytics Expert who has Obtained 25 professi0nal certifications in the technological field.

11. Dennis Mortensen

Twitter – @dennismortensen

Dennis is the co-founder and CEO of He has also created Amy – Andrew AI assistants who schedule meetings. He is also an Accredited Analytics instructor at the University of British Columbia.

12. Dez Blanchfield

Twitter – @dez_blanchfield

Dez is the resident Data Scientist at Starboard IT and Nadium Pty. He has almost 25 years of experience in the IT and telecommunications sectors.

13. Dhanurjay Patil

Twitter – @dpatil

Dhananjay is an American mathematician and computer scientist who served as a computer scientist in the US office of science and technology policy from 2015 to 2017. He has previously served as Chief Scientist in Linkedin and Chief Product Officer at Color Labs.

14. Dion Hinchcliffe

Twitter – @dhinchcliffe

Dion is a globally renowned digital thought leader, CIO advisor, Analyst, Consultant. Keynote Speaker. He has won the Upsilon Pi Epsilon computer science award. He has also co-authored Web 2.0 architecture for O’Reilly and even the bestselling ‘Social business by Design’.

15. Evan Sinar 

Twitter – @evansinar

Evan – Ph.D. is a Chief Scientist and Vice President of CABER. He serves as a thought process leader for DDI on topics like data visualization, leadership development. social media and talent management analytics.

16. Fei Fei Li 

Twitter – @drfeifei

Fei Fei Li is a computer scientist at Stanford University and also served as the director of Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab from 2013 to 2018. Her research is focused on AI, Machine learning, Cognitive neuroscience. She is the most inventive researcher in the field of AI.

17. Ganapathi Pulika

Twitter – @gp_pulipaka

Dr. Ganapathi is the CEO, Chief data scientist at Deep Singularity LLC. He is a Postdoc Research Scholar in Computer Science And Engineering and another Ph.D. from California university. He has also implemented various SAP projects with budgets of more than $5 million to $10 million.

18. Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro

Twitter – @kdnuggets

Gregory is a data scientist and co-founder of KDD conferences. Also the founder of the notable KDnuggets, a learning, and discussion site for Business Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science. He was ranked No.1 on Linkedin Top Voices for the year 2018.

19. Hans Michiels

Twitter – @hansmichielscom

Hans is the founder of the website – Datawarehouseautomation. guide. He is in the software industry since 1996 and is also a member of -Boulder Business Intelligence Brain Trust. He is certified in Data Vault Modeling and also in MS SQL Server.

20. Hilary Mason

Twitter – @hmason

Hilary is a Data Scientist in Residence and Accel Partners and the Founder of Tech Startup Fast Forward Labs. She was the chief data scientist of bitly. Mason has also received Techfellows Engineering Leadership Award in 2012 worth $100,000. In 2011, she was also listed in Fortune 40 under 40 one’s list.

21. Jason H. Moore

Twitter – @moorejh

Jason is a bioinformatics scientist and human geneticist. He is also the chief editor of the biodata mining journals since 2008. He was also a founding director of the Advanced computing center of Vanderbilt University in 2004. He published more than 500 peer-reviewed articles and editorials.

22. Jim Harris

Twitter – @jimharris

Jim is one of the most influential consultants, thinkers, public speakers, authors on change and leadership with more than 20 years of experience. He speaks globally at more than 40 conferences in a year on Innovation and CRM. He was one of the 12 Canadians who were licensed to teach Dr. Stephen Covey’s – The 7 habits of highly effective people.

23. Joanna Bryson

Twitter – @j2bryson

Joanna is an Associate Professor of Computing at the University of Bath where she founded the Intelligent systems, a research group. She has previously won the Outstanding Achievement Award from Cognition X. She also helped the EPSRC to define the principles of Robotics.

24. John Furrier

Twitter – @furrier

John is the Co-founder, CEO, and Editor in chief of SiliconANGLE, a company that is set to revolutionize the future of media. He is also the CEO of Crowdchat, a social media platform for large-scale group conversations on hashtags. He also runs Broadband development – an investment firm for creating new startups.

25. Josh Bersin

Twitter – @josh_bersin

Josh is an industry analyst covering corporate HR, Training, talent management, recruiting, leadership. He was also the founder of Bersin and Associates, now known as Bersin by Deloitte. He is an expert keynote speaker and advises HR teams and vendors.

26. Judith Hurwitz

Twitter – @jhurwitz

Judith is the CEO of Hurwitz and Associates. She is a technology strategist, thought leader, and renowned author. She has an MS degree from Boston University. She has also co-authored a dummies book for retail – big data, hybrid cloud, cloud computing, service management, service-oriented architecture.

27. Kirk Borne

Twitter – @kirkdborne

Kirk is a Chief data scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton. He was the Professor of Astrophysics of Computational Science at George Mason University. He has also been supporting NASA projects and was the Project manager in the space data science office of NASA.

28. Larry Kim

Twitter – @larrykim

Larry is the CEO of Mobile Monkey Inc and the founder of Wordstream Inc. He has also been ranked 8th most popular author on Medium. He guests lectured MBA classes at Harvard and MIT.

29. Lilian Pierson

Twitter – @bigdatagal

Lilian is a famous expert in Big data and data science. She is a data science instructor on Linkedin Learning. She has trained and consulted large corporations like IBM, BMC, Dell, and Intel as well as government organizations such as the US Navy.

30. Mark Lynd

Twitter – @mclynd

Mark is a Driven executive, an author who helps in innovative digital transformations. He was given the Doak Walker award on ESPN has been quoted on multiple publications on including Wall Street Journal and Information week. He was also ranked in top 15 ITOM, Digital Transformation and Blockchain and Top 20 in 100 most Relevant blockchain insiders

31. Martin Ford

Twitter – @mfordfuture

Martin is a futurist and author who focuses on the impact of AI / Robotics on society and the economy. He has written 2 books on technology out of which one book Rise of Robots was a NY bestseller. Ford has also appeared in multiple documentary films and television including The future of Work and Death.

32. Mathias Golombek

Twitter – @exagolo

Mathias is the CTO of Exasol. He is the guiding force behind EXAsolution, the most powerful analytic engine.

33. Merv Adrian 

Twitter – @merv

Merv is an Analyst on the Data management Team going through operational DBMS, Apache Hadoop Spark, non-relational DBMS, and adjacent technologies.

The goal is to help vendors implement the correct technology and ensuring the best practice research competitive assessments and speaking engagements. He is currently working as Gartner’s lead analyst for Microsoft.

34. Mike Quindazzi

Twitter – @mikequindazzi

Mike is the MD and business development lead for the US digital service of PwC. He has been recognized by Onalytica as one of the top 10 influencers for AR / AI / Robotics and Digital Transformation. He was also granted honorary membership from the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

35. Monica Rogati

Twitter – @mrogati

Monica has a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She was the former VP f data in Jawbone – a wearable company. She was also a senior data scientist at Linkedin. She is ranked in the Fast Company’s 100 most creative people in business and also in Fortune Magazine’s Big Data All-Stars.

36. Nathan Yu

Twitter – @flowingdata

Nathan is the important writer for FlowingData. He is a statistician and has a PhD in Statistics. His main focus is on subjects like Data for people of non-technical background, Information, and Self Surveillance.

37. Nigel Willson

Twitter – @nigewillson

Nigel holds a CTO position for professional services at Microsoft. Nigel is an active social media influencer coming in the list of Top 10 AI and future technology influencers.

38. Peter Skomoroch

Twitter – @peteskomoroch

Peter is a Data Scientist and an entrepreneur. He was the Principal Data Scientist at Linkedin where he developed the ‘Skills’ feature. He has been featured in Techcrunch, NYTimes, and others.

He has also helped in Applied ML to Biodefence for DARPA and the DOD. He obtained a BS in Mathematics and Physics from Brandeis University.

39. Rik Walters

Twitter – @rikwalters

Rik is a passionate and visionary marketing leader and providing entrepreneurial experience at Fortune 500 companies. Also, disruptive startups transforming innovations into multi-million dollar revenue streams.

40. Ronald Van Loon

Twitter – @ronald_vanloon

Ronald is the director at Advertisement – Am analytics firm and also is also the Board member / Course advisor of Simplilearn. He is a frequent public speaker and Influencer for many AI, big data, IoT, and Data science events.

41. Sean Gardner

Twitter – @2morrowknight

Sean is the co-founder of the “Twitter Powerhouse Series” of Huffington Post. He has also worked for Apple Inc. He is also the Head of Digital Marketing, World Communication Forum in Switzerland. There are also commentaries given by him on Bloomberg, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera.

42. Simon Porter

Twitter – @simonlporter

Simon is the VP of European sales for IBM. His Twitter account contains insights into Cloud, analytics, IoT, AI discussing the pitfalls of these emerging technologies. He is now working as a Workforce Institute EMEA at Kronos Inc.

43. Soumith Chintala

Twitter –@soumithchintala

Soumith is a researcher at Facebook AI Research where he works in Deep learning, generative image models, and large-scale high-performance deep learning. He has a Masters’s in CS from NYU. He also created Pytorch and co-authored research papers like WGAN and DCGAN.

44. Spiros Margasis

Twitter – @SpirosMargaris

Spiros Is a VC and Founder of Margaris Ventures which is ranked No.1 Fintech and No.2 Insurtech influencer by Onalytica. Also ranked No.11 Influencer by Jay Palter social advisory. He is also a perennial speaker at global fintech and insurtech conferences.

45. Tamara Mc Cleary

Twitter – @tamaramccleary

Tamara is a global tech futurist, branding consultant, and CEO of Thulium. Tamara is ranked among the top 1% of global Social Media Influencers. She was named the #1 most influential woman in Martech by B2B marketing and ranked by Leadtail as the second most quoted person by Twitter on CMO’s. She is an IBM futurist. She has a clientele of brands like Dell, AWS, SAP, Mercer, Verizon, IBM, Huawei.

46. Tim O’Reilly

Twitter – @timoreilly

Tim is the Founder and CEO of O’Reilly media which is a well know publishing house. He and his company has a main role in bringing WWW, Perl, Linux, web services to the masses. He has also popularized terms like Opensource and Web 2.0. He is also a board member of Maker media, Code for America, PeerJ, Civis Analytics, and Popvox.

47. Tony Baer

Twitter – @tonybaer

Tony is a known authority in implementing data management practices, analytics in Big Data. He is the brand ambassador for Informa’s Ovum TMT unit.

48. Vin Vashishta

Twitter – @v_vashishta

Vin is a data science and ML expert and also the founder of V-squared data strategy consulting. He has helped to build products that generated revenue over multiple $100 million. He has been working with Pocket Recruiter – an application that uses ML to automate screening resumes.

49. Xavier Amatriain

Twitter – @xamat

Xavier is co-founder / CTO at Curai – a healthcare startup. He was also previously the VP of engineering at Quora. Xavier is best known mainly for his work on ML. He was also a research scientist at Telefonica research. Many companies and conferences invite him as a speaker. 

50. Yves Mulkers  

Twitter – @yvesmulkers

Yves is the founder of 7wdata, which hosts trending news on all data features. He is also an experienced software developer who has multiple years of experience working for different large companies. He is a Business Intelligence and Data Architect expert including being a social media influencer and content curator.

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