These days most people are worried whether their jobs are safe from Automation or Robots. Is your occupation safe from automation? Yes, there is a higher chance that you could be replaced within the next decade.

Nearly 47% of jobs in the United States are at risk of automation within just next 10 to 15 years, as indicated by Oxford University researchers. The research paper published in 2013 – had gathered information for more than 700 professions and looked out at their possibility of getting replaced by automation. The research also pointed out that high-paying jobs which require higher education were at less risk.

Specific individuals will feel the torment of automation more intensely than others, as per another report by the Brookings Institution, titled, “Robotization and Artificial Intelligence: How Machines Affect People and Places.”

The Jobs that are at most risk includes the ones that have repetitive things to do which a robot can easily perform at a cheaper rate than humans. The jobs like – Insurance Underwriter, Tax Professional, and Library Technician as well as manufacturing and transportation, are at risk.

If you are interested in changing your career to something which will not be at risk from being taken over by robots, your best bet is undoubtedly to get one that humans do better than machines.

10 Safest Jobs From Automation Risk

These are the listed jobs which have the lowest chance of getting automated in the next few years.

1. Occupational Therapists

These Professionals help patients recapture and keep up the aptitudes required to live as freely as could be expected under the circumstances. This quickly developing occupation ordinarily requires a graduate degree and license.

Occupation Outlook

2. Health Social Workers

Human Services Social Workers frequently work in emergency clinics, performing medical case management, and helping patients and families explore the medicinal services framework. These occupations usually require a graduate degree and license.

Occupation Outlook

3. Recreational Therapists

These professionals make and manage recreational programs and projects based with respect to expressions, sports, music games, and so forth. They commonly work in hospitals, retirement groups and networks, and clubs, parks and recreation divisions. Most recreational advisors have a four-year certification, and a bachelors degree is favorable.

Occupational Outlook

4. First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers

Individuals in this occupation may work in an assortment of industries, including vehicle repair/fix/sellers, area government, electric power production, flammable gas, and construction. These occupations commonly require a secondary school diploma and on-job training. These workers have to deal with hazardous substances constantly and as such employers must ensure that all hazardous and flammable substances are locked away in coshh locker cabinets for the safety of workers, site visitors, and the premises.

Occupational Outlook

5. Emergency Management Directors

These professionals require a bachelor’s degree in addition to disaster planning or a related field. Crisis Management Directors organize between agencies, non-profit organizations, and authorities in crisis circumstances. 

Occupational Outlook


6.  Audiologists

Audiologists analyze and treat hearing problems/loss and related issues. This lucrative, quickly developing occupation likewise requires a noteworthy investment in training and education. Audiologists need a doctoral qualification and license.

Occupational Outlook


7. Orthotists and Prosthetists

Individuals with these jobs make fake limbs and other medicinal apparatus to enable patients to recapture mobility. Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated that this occupation is developing rapidly to some degree on the grounds that “the enormous baby-boom population is maturing, and orthotists and prosthetists will be required in light of the fact that both diabetes and cardiovascular sickness, the two driving reasons for loss of limbs, are increasingly normal among more established individuals.” A graduate degree and accreditation are required in these employments.

Occupational Outlook


8. Mental Health Abuse Social Workers

Social laborers regularly need a graduate degree and licensure–a great deal of training for a vocation that can be tiring and not especially gainful. Nonetheless, the employment propositions an opportunity to have any kind of effect on individuals who need it most. 

Occupational Outlook


9. Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers – Supervisor

Individuals in this occupation oversee and direct firefighters and related specialists. This activity regularly requires a postsecondary nondegree qualification and hands-on preparing.

Occupational Outlook


10. Dentists

These dental masters analyze and treat deserts in the face, jaw, and mouth. This occupation requires tremendous training: typically, four years of dental school and four to six years of residency.

Occupational Outlook



Healthcare professionals have come on top of the jobs, which are less likely to be replaced by robots. These jobs mainly require caring for others, social perceptiveness, and agility. They may also include creativity and brokering. (ask a Registered Nurse.) Health and safety

In any case, the most noteworthy thing about the rundown in the Oxford team report is that there are employments for all education streams and interests. All the top 10 jobs listed above have different skill sets– but the unique essentials of their posts make these occupations much easier for a human than a robot.

The bottom line here is, making a career that is not threatened by robots may require extra instruction and training, just as some cautious planning. But, it probably won’t require a complete move-in interests and needs.



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